Strategic Master Plan for Evangelization

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
"Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” (Hosea 4:6)

Understanding God’s salvation plan in our generation offers hope for restoration in Christ. The strategic plan places our understanding in context to redeem the times. Following a successful, prophetic convention (June, 2013); the general sensing is that Catholics are hungry for God, His Word and Prayer and in addition, the world needs Jesus Christ desperately. GCCR-NA has a responsibility to respond to this urgent prophetic call by taking care of the Master’s business and pray to the Lord of the harvest to send in more laborers (Matthew 9:38-39).

This strategic plan is not just another document but a stepwise plan embraced by the membership of GCCR-NA to guide our missionary calling over the next ten years. The plan revolves around 12 pillars which would be areas of focus in the 21st century amidst the fast paced cultural, technological, informative and secularized world. Since it is a strategic plan, these pillars have been situated within specific timelines (Advent 2013 – Advent 2023). A monitoring and evaluation committee appointed by the LCT will be positioned to assess the progress and make projections towards the implementation of the decade long strategic master plan annually. Overall, this plan leads us to the ultimate vision of GCCR-NA; to promote local and world evangelization by strengthening and building Ghanaian Catholic Charismatic Renewal Prayer Groups in North America.

Pillar 1: Leaders of GCCR-NA

Goal: To train 100 effective leaders on a biennial tenure

Approach/Synopsis: It is obvious that in the course of 10 years we would need well trained leaders who have imbibed the vision of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Consequently, the Leaders’ program seeks to address the area of leadership training. In this program, leaders would be equipped with skills for leading prayer groups and nurturing families in the Christian faith as well as operating in the Charisms. This program would bring leaders of GCCR-NA together on a biennial basis during the summer (even numbered years, e.g. 2014, 2016, 2018 etc). The leaders would retreat and then receive training.

Pillar 2: Mission Oriented Ministries (MOM)

Goal: To raise mission oriented ministries through effective formations

Approach/Synopsis: MOM strategically overcomes the unseen distinction between ministries. Alternatively, rebranding and building our ministries around outreach/missions/evangelization so that the one who teaches prophecy or heals does so under the generality of winning souls for Christ. The Holy Spirit is a soul-winner and that is what His gifts/charisms are intended to do. Embarking on solid ministries formation on a yearly basis by all ministries in all prayer groups would be the nature of MOM. MOM would also require all prayer groups mobilize her members to reach out first to lapsed/baptized Catholics, parishes and to all using well developed tracts/resources/training based on the Word of God. MOM will draw from the experience of gifted ministers (example: Bro. Emmanuel Tamakloe’s yearly visit to the US on account of the Renewal Ministries etc.). Our mission extends to American/Canadian communities too and frantic efforts would be made to cover that ground as well.

Pillar 3: Visitation

Goal: To visit all prayer groups at least once every year and use the opportunity to strengthen existing communities and build new prayer groups

Approach/Synopsis: The leadership shall make visits to prayer groups with the mission of strengthening prayer groups. Primary focus of the leadership shall be:

  1. Philadelphia which needs to build a strong catholic community in addition to the prayer group.
  2. Dallas/Arlington, Texas prayer group which needs immediate attention with LSS.
  3. Denver, Colorado which seems to have a growing Ghanaian Catholic community with fervency towards a prayer group as a result of previous visit from Rev. Fr. Stephen Bilson-Ogoe in 2012
  4. Connecticut prayer group needs immediate attention.
  5. Brooklyn prayer group requires immediate attention.
  6. Breaking the ground in Canada.

Pillar 4: Children and Youth Camps

Goal: To win our children and young people for Jesus Christ

Approach/Synopsis: Our children and the youth must be won for Jesus Christ. The best legacy we can leave for the youth over the next 10 years is salvation in Christ Jesus. Yearly summer camps as well as special children session during GCCR-NA’s biennial convention would be advantageous. All programs held by prayer groups would have a children session to impart spiritual gifts and teachings.

Pillar 5: Practical Christian Living

Goal: To provide an avenue for spiritual growth and maturity

Approach/Synopsis: A strategy to help members live a life based on Sacred Scripture and fully access the Sacraments. Our focus and goal shall be to develop Daily Quiet Time resources in both English and Twi. There will also be an attempt to develop a Twi scripture based reading and reflection in audio known as Adwenesakyera with its foundations on Catholic daily readings. An extensive Growth in the Spirit Seminar would be enforced throughout the prayer groups.

Pillar 6: Marriage and Family life

Goal: To address the needs of Men/Women and foster marital growth

Approach: Career responsibilities of women in travel in combination with family care would be of great focus. We would encourage the involvement of women in ministry by encouraging women ministries across prayer groups. We would focus on pre/post-marital counseling in the life of the Ghanaian Catholic Communities as well as tele-counseling sessions to build strong Christian families. A Men ministry will be needed towards increased commitment and their role as leaders called to love.

Pillar 7: New travelers’ program (NTP) and Unaligned members

Goal: To reach out and welcome all incoming travelers from Ghana or elsewhere to North America in the name of Christ and to initiate monthly/biweekly cell meetings for all Renewal members who may not have prayer groups within good proximity

Approach/Synopsis: Through the design of brochures to be placed at vantage points beginning from Ghana, such as Adom Fie, US Embassy, prayer groups and Catholic Churches in Ghana and abroad. Through media publicity such as EWTN and other Catholic Newspapers and channels, new immigrants from Ghana will be introduced to and conscientize about the activities and opportunities for Christian growth. These individuals shall be connected to nearby prayer groups who will shepherd and guide their growth and integration. A program for unaligned identifies key people in States that could hold cell meetings to continue in the Apostolic teaching; prayer and breaking of bread. This approach will target young adults at distant locations.

Pillar 8: Priest and Clergy Response

Goal: To foster clergy-lay partnerships in ministry leading to a strong clergy spiritual fraternity and possible priestly/religious vocations of young Ghanaians in North America

Approach/Synopsis: Through the supervision of the GCCR-NA Spiritual Director a priest and religious conference would be held 1-2 days prior to the biennial convention. In these sessions, priestly formations as well as charism sessions and new lay-priestly partnerships would be forged. New strategies for vocations would be explored.

Pillar 9: Technology/Media Evangelization

Goal: To use information technology to advance the proclamation of the Gospel

Approach/Synopsis: We will operate an interactive and up-to-date website to reach out to people with the Gospel of Jesus and the mission of GCCR-NA. The prayer page could be handled by the CCR-NA prayer line to take note of the prayer requests/needs of people. A Facebook page and Youtube channel as well as other audio/video media together with print media would be explored. Short tracts, books and newsletters would be the resource base for media production.

Pillar 10: Welfare and Hospitality (Dorcas and Barnabas ministry)

Goal: To help the poor and needy, bringing hope and Christ to their situations

Approach/Synopsis: People confronted with difficult financial circumstances, family loss, educational, immigration and legal issues would receive help in diverse forms through free counseling and guidance, financial help, comfort and consolation.

Pillar 11: God Loves A “cheerful” Donor (GLAD) Project

Goal: To raise funds to support the 10 year strategic plan and beyond

Approach/Synopsis: To raise 1000 GLAD members to give GCCR-NA $1/day in a year. We would initiate a savings and investment program to multiply the revenue received. Investment programs such as a guest house project could be started within the 10 year period. GCCR-NA would also be a cheerful donor by offering 10 % of revenue to support other missions such as the Renewal in Ghana (AdomFie). Developing a system to show appreciation to all GLAD members and other donors would be a priority.

Pillar 12: Physical headquarters and formation center

Goal: To build a well resourced continental headquarters and formation center

Approach/Synopsis: In the next ten years an equipped work force (Full time/Part time) would be needed to advance the course of the Renewal in North-America. A continental headquarters and formation center would help the operations of GCCRA-NA.


For a 10 year strategic plan, it should be exhaustive enough lest it defies the SMART [specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound] approach to goal setting. As the years advance, guided by the Holy Spirit’s direction and the signs/needs of the time, this vision/plan could be updated.

This notwithstanding, an important dimension for the success of this program will be the preparation of modules, getting seasoned facilitators in advance, effective coordinating and planning team, dedicated, knowledgeable and spirit-filled leaders to man the various 12 Pillars and following up on the programs carried to evaluate its success.

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